Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Drop It Like It's Hot

I E-mailed my satellite TV provider, DirecTV, and told them that they need to remove G4 from their programming lineup. The bandwidth and electricity can be put to much better use, like for more high definition channels.

Comcast, the nation's largest cable TV provider, bought TechTV and merged it with their gaming network. Under the infinite wisdom of Comcast and G4 executives, the "merged" network has been turning into @#$!&%^* that's barely watchable.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Weird. One day, I was thinking about that Apple commercial that was aired during the Super Bowl in 1984. Then shortly after it was mentioned on Wednesday's episode of The Screen Savers.

The landmark commercial was directed by Ridley Scott, who also directed notable films like Gladiator, Alien, Blade Runner, and Thelma & Louise. He's brother to one of the most underrated directors in Hollywood, Tony Scott (Enemy of the State, Spy Game, Crimson Tide, Beverly Hills Cop II, Days of Thunder, Man on Fire).

Speaking of movies, which is one of my hobbies, I'm going to keep up this blog with a Movie Pic of the Month, memorable scenes and/or quotes from my favorite and not so favorite films.

This month's pick (no pun intended) is from one of my favorite Michael Mann movies, Heat.

Testament to Loyalty: No One Gets Left Behind

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Post Potpourri

Over the weekend, I was in Pasadena, home of the Rose Bowl. The town sure has some beautiful woman, but they're not as beautiful as I am. (Heehee)

I spent a day at the Videomaker Expo on Saturday. High Definition is the future of home video, but for videography the technology is still in its infancy. Although the convention was relatively small, I thought it was strange that JVC and Sony were not exhibiting. Go figure.

I'm not really into watching sports, because I'd rather be playing them than watching them. I did catch bits and pieces of the Super Bowl, though. The half-time show with Paul McCartney was spectacular, and it's got to be one of the best half-time shows I've ever seen. Those stage ramps displaying video were too cool. Performing classic hits (including one of my favorites, "Live and Let Die"), Paul did a great peformance, and he's looking good for his age.

Hey! Don't get any funny ideas. I'm very heterosexual. OK?

Not too long ago, in a city not too far, far away, I saw George Lucas and asked him for his autograph. He signed my company badge. Looka'

George Lucas' Autograph

That was a highlight in my life.

(If you're wondering, I have a friend who used to work at TechTV and she gave me her lanyard.)

The next time I see Mr. Lucas, I'm going to pitch him my ideas about this spin-off movie from the original Star Wars trilogy. :)

In other news, two of my posts got deleted in the G4TechTV message boards. Outrageous! I, Fredtimbo, had my posts deleted! There was nothing wrong with them! You hear me? NOTHING!

Well, there was this little part where I kind of flamed a moderator. You think that could have been it? :o

Still, it was not necessary to delete my posts in their entirery, because my other statements were not in violation of message board rules.

By the way, if anyone is reading this . . .

*crickets chirping*

. . . I'm looking for a mostly friendly, mature online community for fans of ZDTV/TechTV. Long Live TechTV, a Yahoo! group, was not the community I thought it would be. There are a few jerks there, like this one guy who just likes to contradict other people, and some members use the message board for tech support which is not the intended purpose of the group. Any suggestions are welcome.

ADDENDUM (Feb. 9, 2005) --- I didn't mean to sound disparaging to Long Live TechTV. I wish no disrespect to Mark Laymon, who created the group. His passion for TechTV and his initiative to start Long Live TechTV are commendable. By the way, Mark is no longer the owner of the group, but still contributes to it. If you're a fan of TechTV, you might want to join Long Live TechTV and see if it's for you. Here's the link:

Monday, February 07, 2005

In The Beginning . . .

Whuh? How did I get here!?!

I was trying to post a comment on someone else's blog and ended up creating my own?

Oh, well. It looks like I got one now.

Look out, World! Here I come!