Monday, May 30, 2005

Size Matters

So I finally got my camera phone, an LG VX8000, and I can dig it. It has excellent display, user interface and features, and I'm not even done reading the manual. However, it's pretty big! BIG, I say! But that's cool, 'cuz now I can see the buttons and display better.

I got a PDA on one hip, my phone on the other. Now I look really geeky in public, walking around like a gunslinger. I'll try to post more pics to my moblog.

In other news, I saw Episode III: Revenge of the Sith--on opening day, of course. I didn't wear a costume, though. My Chewbacca costume was at the cleaners, and plus they charge extra for Wookie fur.

Just kidding.

Revenge of the Sith (a waaaaaaay better title than The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones) is certainly different from the two previous films. It's a very dark movie, visually and thematically, which is appropriate for the story. Interestingly, it's also very humanistic, perhaps even most humanistic of all the Star Wars films.

One of my initial thoughts to the movie was similar to that of a few other fans: George Lucas has redeemed himself as a filmmaker. Sure, there were a few things that could have been done better, but overall the movie deserves a thumbs up. And compared to the other prequels, it looks like the overall quality of acting went up a notch. Natalie Portman's performance was most notable in some scenes. There was a lot more light saber action, too.

Bravo, Mr. Lucas. It appears you do listen to your fans and critics.

One thing that has remained consistent with all the Star Wars movies is George Lucas' uncanny ability to come up with some of most interesting and memorable characters, especially ones that have little or no dialogue, like Boba Fett, IG-88, and Greedo. Something about those bounty hunters. (Yeah, I'm aware that Jar Jar was not too popular with some folks, but, believe it or not, he actually has some supporting fans.)

Lucas also comes up with some of the coolest spaceships and vehicles, e.g., Millenium Falcon, X- and B-Wing fighters, Imperial AT-AT walker and shuttle.

That's the cool thing about Star Wars: The size of its universe will never be limited as long as people's imagination nurture it and expand upon it.

This month's Movie Pic of the Month is of one of my favorite Star Wars villains.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Darth Maul
I love this part in Episode I when he ignited both blades from his light saber.

Now, if I could only finish the story for my idea of this Star Wars spin-off . . .

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Favorite Movie Quote

From Crimson Tide:

"God help you if you're wrong."

"If I'm wrong, then we're at war. God help us all."