Monday, January 01, 2007

My Left Foot

I'm always putting my foot in my mouth. Sometimes, I put both feet in my mouth. If I had a third foot, it would probably go into my mouth, too.

You ever say or do something you regret so much? I've lost count. Unfortunately, "Control-Z"
doesn't work for real life.

Case in point, I've been trying this online dating thing. I was delighted when I immediately got some responses. After a little flirting, they said I just needed to go their websites and sign up with FREE registration if I wanted to see more pictures. So I registered.

But then I was asked for credit card information. It's only for age verification, right? For "AshleyIsHere" in Oakland, I had to pay extra to respond to her E-mail. According to her picture, profile and message, she seemed like such a sweet and attractive person, like someone I really wanted to know. So, I said, "Oh, what the hell."

Didn't hear back from any of them again.

That kind of hurt. Used and abandoned. That's the story of my life. Can you hear the violin?

Naive is one word I would hardly use to describe myself. But I really got suckered. Yep, I got social-engineered.

Well, at least cancelling registration/membership was just as easy as signing up. Otherwise, I would have resorted to canceling the card or disputing the charges. I'm not stupid, you know.

I try to learn from my mistakes, not dwell on them.

Movie Pic of the Month
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"Have you no decency, sir?!"

The Contender, a superb political thriller with an all-star cast. Jeff Bridges is excellent as always, but it's Gary Oldman--playing yet another character in which you almost don't recognize him--who stole almost every scene. This is one of my favorite movies because I can identify with the main character, Congresswoman Laine Hanson, who had become a target of character assasination.